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Monday - Friday 09:00AM-17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

Corporate Debt Restructuring and Refinancing

ESFAServices Financing SolutionsCorporate Debt Restructuring and Refinancing

Corporate debt restructuring can be a way to move a relatively healthy company forward and help to remove some of the burden of the past. A corporate restructuring can give your business a new life. ESFA has multiple solutions to support a company that decides to engage in reorganization through corporate debt restructuring or filing for business bankruptcy – either voluntary or involuntary. Commercial refinancing under longer or better terms can also give you the cash flow you need for meaningful business restructuring.

ESFA has a pure business-to-business approach that can help lead your business into the future, not only with its corporate debt restructuring and commercial refinancing solutions, but also with solid corporate restructuring expertise and advice. ESFA has experience across various industries necessary to tailor corporate restructuring and commercial refinancing solutions to fit your industry because we live in them every day.